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Cloud Application Development


Integrate your apps with your IT infrastructure at no hardware costs

In a rapidly changing technology environment, business users are looking at simple and secure applications that can be accessed anytime, anywhere and on any device. These applications should be engaging, integrated, mobile compatible, available on net and cloud based.

Bodhtree is a proponent & early adopter of cloud platform. With highly skilled engineers, we help clients in selecting the best cloud computing model (public, private or hybrid) and platform type (Azure, Amazon, Force.com, Heroku or Google App Engine).  We develop new cloud apps, customize or migrate existing applications and our post-implementation model provides a roadmap for clients in managing their applications and infrastructure.

Our Cloud Application Development offerings and expertise include:

  • Cloud Assessment Consulting
  • Cloud Application Development
  • Cloud Application Migration
  • Cloud Application Integration
  • Force.com Application Development
  • Heroku-Deploy and run applications on today’s most innovative Platform as a Service
  • Amazon Web Services to enable application development and deployment